Reiki Level 1
Prerequisite: None – All are welcome.
Description: This Course is the beginning level of Usui Reiki training. You will be able to give yourself Reiki, as well your family, friends and pets – or even offer Reiki to your community as a volunteer. This training consists of the Level 1 knowledge of Usui Reiki, demonstrations of the proper placements of hands, the Reiki Level 1 Attunements, and a comprehensive course handbook.
Certification: Certificate of Completion for Usui Reiki I as a Reiki Level I Practitioner.
This Reiki 1 Class provides students with all the necessary Attunements in order to fully access and utilize the Reiki Universal Healing Energy.
Reiki Level 1 Class Curriculum:
- What is Reiki and how Reiki works
- Uses and Applications of Reiki
- History of Reiki
- Energy Flow Awareness
- Reiki Principles
- Hand positions for self-healing
- Hand positions for healing others
- Level 1 Attunements (allows each student to access and utilize the Reiki Healing Energies)
- A Certificate of Completion as a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner is issued at course completion
Reiki Level II
Prerequisite: Usui Reiki Level 1 Certification
Description: This course is an expansion upon Reiki Level 1 training. This course will enable you to provide more powerful healing energy, whether you use it for your own healing; give sessions to friends, family, and pets; incorporate elements of Reiki within your profession; offer Reiki in your community; or utilize Reiki in a private practice setting. This training consists of learning reiki level II symbols, how to enhance your energy, distant reiki, Reiki Level II Attunements, and a comprehensive course handbook.
Certification: Certificate of Completion for Usui Reiki II as a Reiki Level II Practitioner.
This Reiki II Class provides students with all the necessary Attunements in order to access and utilize more powerful Reiki Universal Healing Energy.
Reiki Level II Class Curriculum:
- Introduction to Reiki Level II Symbols
- Developing good habits using Reiki
- Distance Healing using Reiki
- The Chakra System
- Reiki Level II Attunements
- A Certificate of Completion as a Reiki Level II Practitioner is issued at course completion.
Reiki Level III / Master-Teacher
Prerequisite: Usui Reiki I & II Certifications
Description: This Course is the final course in Usui Reiki Training and prepares the practitioner to become a Reiki Master Teacher in the tradition of the Usui Reiki System. You will be a Reiki Master after completing this course. Becoming a Reiki Teacher is optional. This Course will enable you to provide higher, more powerful healing energies, whether you use it for your own healing; give session to friends, family, and pets; incorporate elements of Reiki within your profession; offer Reiki in your community; or utilize Reiki in a private practice setting This training consists of learning additional Reiki Level III symbols, learn and be attuned to the Master symbol, Reiki Level III Attunement, and a comprehensive course handbook.
Certification: Certificate of Completion for Usui Reiki III as a Reiki Level III Master/Teacher.
This Reiki III Class provides students with all the necessary Attunements in order to access and utilize more powerful Reiki Universal Healing Energy.
Reiki Level III Class Curriculum:
- Learn additional Reiki Level III Master Symbols
- Reiki Teaching Methods, Principles, and Procedure
- Reiki Attunement processes
- Professional Ethics and Values of a dedicated Reiki Master
- Reiki Level III Attunement
- A Certificate of Completion as a Reiki Level III Master-Teacher is issued at course completion.